Seven weeks, five days today and I had my first ever pregnancy-induced barfing episode. I've been feeling queasy for weeks, but this morning I actually lost my cookies. (Or bowl of Crispix, actually. Cross another one off my list of "foods that don't make me feel sick.")
It's also the first time I've ever felt a rush of joy with my head in the toilet. Since morning sickness can be an indicator of a healthy pregnancy, surely achieving an actual ralphing session must mean good news is ahead! (Either that, or I got food poisoning from my mother in law's birthday cake last night. I knew it wasn't a great idea to leave it in the backyard while we went to dinner.)
Anyway, with my first ultrasound on the horizon (Tuesday!) I'll take any reassurance I can get - even if it's of the holding-your-hair-back variety.
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