Friday, October 24, 2014

Hello, sixteen weeks and three days!

Currently hanging out in my obstetrician's waiting room, doing my three hour blood glucose test. What I wouldn't give for a ham sandwich right now! Later this afternoon we'll get to hear the baby's heartbeat again. I'm a teeny bit nervous but mostly super excited.

And now that we know it's a boy, I think we have a name: Leo! It's my great-grandfather's name, and I think it's awesome.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fourteen weeks, two days

And all of these things that make this pregnancy so different from the first one.

Like the perfect twelve week scan with a beautiful, wiggly little guy flailing his tiny arms and legs and doing flips in my uterus.

Like a terrified late night rush to the emergency room which ended in tears of joy rather than tears of sorrow, after a scan revealed a perfect baby with a perfect heartbeat.

Telling people. Saying it out loud, making it official. Watching my body sprout the beginnings of a baby bump.

And finally being in the second trimester. It's such a relief. I kind of never thought I'd actually be here. Now, I just can't wait for April so we can meet our snuggly baby boy. And this time, I actually believe that we will.