Wednesday afternoon, I started feeling a stabbing pain in my lower left abdomen - right around where I usually feel ovulation pain but way too early to be ovulation. It got slowly worse as the day progressed, and by the time I got home from work, I was doubled over in pain. I called my aunt, who is an ER nurse, and asked her what she thought I should do. She asked me a couple of questions and then said I should head to the emergency room just in case it was ovarian torsion or - unlikely, but because my last period was pretty short, a horrible possibility - an ectopic pregnancy. (Spoiler alert: it was neither.)
I went to the nearest hospital and was seen almost immediately - I guess they don't fuck around when it comes to possible ectopics. Pretty quickly, they ruled out pregnancy with a pee stick followed by a blood test and then the doctor ordered an ultrasound to see whether or not my ovary was about to explode. They wheeled me up to the radiology department on my stretcher - I volunteered to walk, but no dice - and then I got to watch as the technician scanned me and found two perfectly normal ovaries and a nice, plush uterine lining. It was such a relief to have a normal ultrasound result for once. Usually, looking at one of those black and white screens is the immediate precursor to some bad news, but this time it was all good.
The doctor thinks it was probably something gastro-intestinal, and told me I could either stick around for a CAT scan or just go home and follow up with a gastroenterologist. I chose the latter. As long as my reproductive organs were not on the verge of explosion, I was happy to hang out in my own comfy bed until the pain passed. (Which it did, sometime the next morning.)
Going through the panic, though, really strengthened my resolve not to do any more unmonitored Clomid cycles. It just makes me too anxious that something is going to go wrong. And since my ovaries looked pretty good on their own, maybe I really won't need it after all.
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